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Friday, October 24, 2008

The Music of the Spheres

“All nature sings
And around me rings
The music of the Spheres.”

“Space”, the dark frontier, the infinite void, unexplored, inexplorable. Man’s concept of the universe is not an infinitely large one, it is most certainly much closer to nonexistent. It is only a recent “advance” in thinking that “space” is mostly nothing with a few lifeless balls of fire and debris. Only recently, are the planets only stone, and the stars just burning gas. Not long ago, Planets moved in Spheres with the Earth as the center, not as the most important, but as the lowest. Every other direction was up. Those Spheres would make music on a cosmic scale, singing to their Creator, as the planets in their orbits would dance to their music.

Modern science cannot detect anything but electromagnetic waves coming from the stars, so they claim they are lifeless blobs on a dark background. To be sure, they can’t detect anymore from you. No, The stars sing in the Heavens! They harmonize, wheeling round in perfect obedience to their master, shining His light in the night, in an ever unfolding dance so perfectly choreographed, by The Perfect King of it all.

No, my friend, the Heavens are not void, but full of testimony of God, the Infinite Creator of us all.


  1. *smiles* Beautiful post, Clayton. I miss talking with you wonderful GB folk about the Heavenly Host...

  2. *smiles also* Thank you, Juliet! GB 3 was the most mind changing thing for me to date. I'm still debating whether I liked 3 or 4 better. It's almost hard to compare. :-) Well listen, I most certainly don't get to talk about the Heavenly Host, or the triparte God and the soul of man, or even Pride and Prejudice, really.. I would love to talk about any such things anytime! :-D I do so miss Schola. :-/ :-)
