Site Meter The Orator's Education: Joy

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Joy is when the whole man is “filled up”, or satisfied; When one’s being is completed. And complete joy is when Heart, Soul, and Mind are completed completely. Pain, is when some or all of these are lacking. Obviously, there’s physical pain, but of all kinds, it hurts the least. There’s emotional pain, when we feel sad, or angry. Mental pain, when we’re in anguish, and indecision, or a logical paradox. When your soul is in pain, it hurts like…well, Hell. Actually, that may be more accurate than you think. In heaven, we will be made into a real Man; in Hell, we will be stripped from it. Pain is in a sense, a longing for the True, real reality. It is when joy is lacking that we feel pain, and the pain is the absence, the not being complete. A sick man longs to be well, but a healthy man never longs to be sick. The completion of sickness is health, and the completion of pain is Joy. Pain is a signpost pointing to Joy, and it is quite real, but we cannot stop and mistake the sign for the road; The road that leads to Joy.

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