Our soul is above our mind, as our mind is above our emotions. There is an order to our beings. I never understood the nature of the trinity of God till, as Jesus says, I understood earthly things. I couldn't wrap my mind around the concept of God, "three-in-one" till I saw an image of God. Man's spirit is made up of three parts. The Soul, Mind, and Heart of Man mirrors Father, Son and Spirit of God. What perfect design! The completion of us is Him. Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind." To love God in this way is to perfectly reflect the God who made us in His Love. How could we give any less to such a loving craftsman? The commandment is so simple....
And yet...I fall so short. :-/
I don't feel like a Man when my being is not reflecting His. I'm not complete till I return his love. And not just an emotive love, a feeling, but where my whole being, heart soul and mind, perfectly balanced, embrace God completely and are filled up...and consumed.
Change my heart, Oh God. Make it ever true. Change my heart, Oh God. May I be like You.
9 years ago